Company Profile
Hersan Rubber Industry Incorporated Company was established in 1972 at the Asian side of Istanbul in order to manufacture rubber parts for the leader companies of their sectors in Sanitary products, Transformer industry and white goods industry. Where as one of these companies are stil among Hersan's customers.
Hersan has been continuing its production at his new plant in Kurtköy - Pendik, since 1999. Since then, Hersan has been renewed all his machinery park in order to obtain the best quality and to remain competitive in the global rubber industry.
All steps of rubber manufacturing, starting with the compound design, compounding and mixing, vulcanization, flash removing, quality control and packing are all made in our factory by our qualified employees.
We are manufacturing technical rubber parts according to the international standards as well as according to the drawings and the specifications given by our customers.
NBR, HNBR, EPDM, FKM (Viton), Silicone, RSS, SBR are the elastomers we mainly use in our production.
Energy Sector
Sanitaryware Industry
TEİAŞ Türkiye Elektrik İletim A.Ş. - Approved Supplier
Some of Our References
Hitachi A.Ş.
Eltaş A.Ş.
Balıkesir Elektromekanik A.Ş.
Maksan Makine A.Ş.
Eaton Enerji - Ulusoy Electric A.Ş.
Eczacıbaşı Yapı Gereçleri A.Ş. / Vitra – Atema
Fluidmaster - Key Teknik A.Ş.
Çanakçılar Seramik A.Ş.
Serel Seramik A.Ş.
Güneş Plastik A.Ş.
Our Exports
Preis GmbH - Austria
Elettroresin s.r.l - Italy
Atef Group of Companies LLC - Azerbaijan
Egytrafo for Electrical Industries - Egypt
Egytrafo for Industry - Egypt
Amada Industry - Austria
Sacem Industry - Tunisia
Emirates Transformer - U.A.E.
Tanalec Transformer - Tanzania
Western Transformer - U.A.E.
LLC Ukrelektraparat - Ukraine
Niva Impex - Russia